Monday, April 17, 2006

New Zealand news on Does charity begin at home?

New Zealand news on Does charity begin at home?: "Does charity begin at home?
15 April 2006

New Zealanders were left agape at the news Gareth Morgan plans to donate his $47 million share of son Sam's Trade Me windfall to charity. Such extravagant philanthropy is common overseas, so why, Rachel Pannett asks, did it ruffle our middle class sensibilities?

Every New Zealander has a tale of hardship. Mine is hand-me-down clothing and marmite sandwiches every day for school lunch for 10 years.

For my grandparents' generation the phrase 'save your pennies and the pounds will follow' took on near-biblical proportions.

So it isn't hard to see why so many New Zealanders felt almost affronted by the ease with which economist Gareth Morgan gave up a fortune equal to nearly a year of Lotto wins."

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